Welcome to the booking page for Little Seeds!
Please click "Create new booking" to start your booking process, or find your booking listing below and click on it to complete.
Baby and Toddler groups are currently limited to 30 adults (plus the Little Seeds team) and in the event that we are fully booked, we are running a waiting list if room later becomes available. If you have booked but can no longer attend, please cancel your booking to make room for others. Please do use the waiting list if you find you can't book in.
Adults will be required to wear masks and maintain social distancing. We are delighted to now be able to offer drinks and snacks for adults and children, with water and a snack offered to children during our circle time at 11:00!
Little Seeds meets at Arborfield Church Hall, Mondays at 10am-11:30am
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Copyright © 2024 Arborfield and Barkham Churches